Featured in Another History of Art – 2.500 jaar Europese kunstgeschiedenis
Another History of Art – 2.500 jaar Europese kunstgeschiedenis
Art is the blueprint of an era, the bearer of intangible meaning. … This book outlines the story of the visual arts in Western Europe from antiquity to modernism in five chapters, each time from a different angle. De Wilde’s NANOblck-Sqr #1 is featured in this wonderfully written ginormous book publication. 28 x 22,5 cm 472 pagina’s Hardcover Nederlandstalige editie Quadrichromie ISBN 978 94 6388 752 6 Koenraad Jonckheere is full professor in Northern Renaissance and Baroque Art at Ghent University. He studied History and Art History in Leuven and received his PhD at the University of Amsterdam in 2005. He published widely on seventeenth and eighteenth century art markets and on sixteenth century Antwerp history and portrait painting. From 2014 to 2019 Jonckheere, served as Director of Publications (editor in chief) at the Centrum Rubenianum, one of Northern Europe’s most famous art-historical research centres and the editing institution of the renowned Corpus Rubenianum. Since 1 October 2018, Jonckheere is Director of Societal Outreach of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
MORE INFO HERE: https://hannibalbooks.be/another-history-of-art-2-500-jaar-europese-kunstgeschiedenis