
AI Beetle (2020/2021) featured in October 2021 edition of Art Press

Frederik De Wilde’s recent work AI Beetle (2020/21), for which he paired a conceptual exercise with questions about post-nature, features in an essay by renowned art critic and curator Dominique Moulon for the October 2021 issue of Art Press.  In his exciting overview, titled Intelligence in Art, Moulon reviews the work of Frederik De Wilde, alongside work…


‘Hyperminer – Extracted Earth’ at FAKE ME HARD exhibition

The exhibition FAKE ME HARD presents over 40 futuristic installations including Frederik De Wildes ‘Hyperminer – Extracted Earth’. The exhibition runs at AVL Mundo until August 15th, 2021. Hyperminer – Extracted Earth is a multichannel video exploring extractivism, hyper spectral imaging, AI and advanced mining technologies.   Hypermining After centuries of mining, it is becoming…


Towards a phygital museum _

Physical exhibition spaces, heritage and artworks are increasingly reproduced and consumed digitally. What is the potential of digital exhibitions and how digital can we go? In this free talk featuring Frederik De Wilde (artist), Axel Clissen (architect) and Marjan Doom (director Ghent University Museum) we explore the limits and possibilities of the digital experience and...