
AI Beetle (2020/2021) featured in October 2021 edition of Art Press

Frederik De Wilde’s recent work AI Beetle (2020/21), for which he paired a conceptual exercise with questions about post-nature, features in an essay by renowned art critic and curator Dominique Moulon for the October 2021 issue of Art Press.  In his exciting overview, titled Intelligence in Art, Moulon reviews the work of Frederik De Wilde, alongside work…


MoonArk To Be Unveiled at Thrival Festival

Studio De Wilde is very proud to be part of this amazing collaborative art and science project. After nine years and the work of over 300 people, the MoonArk will be unveiled at the Thrival Innovation & Music Festival on Thursday, Sept. 28. It will then be on display in multiple venues before it heads…


Interview RTBF

Interview for the RTBF in the framework of the exhibition ‘Ex Nihilo, Nihil Fit‘ (Out of Nothing, Nothing Comes). Artists: Patrick Tresset . Julian Oliver . Rachel RossinMichel Paysant . Jerry Galle . Dries DepoorterOlga Mikh Fedorova . Frédéric FourdinierFélix Luque . Leah Schrager . Kris VerdonckRyoichi Kurokawa . Frederik De WildeSébastien Lacomblez . Robert…


Sandra Gunn

“This is a very striking collaborative between the hard edge world of science and the world of conceptual art.” Sandra Gunn, Curriculum Director of the City of Glasgow College, Great Britain.